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  • By Joan Kriegler

I discovered unknown aspects of myself as a person.

I attended a Prophetic Engagement with Allan Thomson and his team.

The first module was a 10 minute recorded session. We sat before the Lord and asked the Holy Spirit to show the team His heart and plans for me.

Through words of knowledge, prophecy, symbols, pictures, strategies and blue prints, each of the team (Allan, Leon and Michele) shared what Father God feels about me, and how He sees me and has planned for me. This was so encouraging, as some of what they spoke of confirmed what the Lord had shown me privately about what He has planned for me. I then transcribed all of this “word for word” and sent it back to Allan.

The next step was to do a DISC profile report. What a valuable “eye opener” this was! Here was a record of my personality, strengths, weaknesses, values, patterns of belief and characteristics of behaviour that are unique to me. Although much of this was known to me, it gave me a deeper insight of who God made me.

Moreover, I also discovered completely different or unknown aspects of myself as a person. We have Natural Behaviour and Adaptive Behaviour which are developed by the decisions we make, as well as sin, strongholds, wrong choices, or the life circumstances or situations that we encounter. Although it felt traumatic to face all of this, the process gave me a better understanding of who I am and why I respond to different triggers or choices in the way I do.

The next session was a recorded one-on-one with Allan. Referring to Biblical principals, he explained how unique, accepted and a valuable person Father God made me to be, and the strategies for aligning my life with my destiny and the way to go forward.

I can highly recommend this process, and the earlier in life that you commit to doing it, the more valuable will be your investment in your future. It will give you a clearer picture of who you are as God made you and the life He has planned for you. It will empower you with tools for making wise Biblically-based decisions, and provide direction and focus to go forward to “Live the Best Life Ever” that Father God has planned for you. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Allan and Clare are two people who not only “talk the talk,” but more importantly, “walk the walk.” Their love and life-time commitment to Father God are a shining example of what a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ should look like.


Thank you to the team for your input in my life.

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